Factoring Trinomials by Grouping `2`

Learning Objective


Knowing how to factor trinomialsA three-term polynomial. in the form `x^2 + bx + c` is useful, but what if there happens to be a coefficientA number that multiplies a variable., `a`, before the leading `x^2` term?

The general form of trinomials with a leading coefficient of `a` is `ax^2 + bx + c`. To factor them, we will draw upon what we know about trinomials that contain a single `x^2` term and extend that knowledge to account for the coefficient `a`. We will also consider some tricks and tips for factoring these trinomials.

Thinking about `ax^2`

Trinomials can include a coefficient before the `x^2` term. If we call this coefficient `a`, the general form of these sorts of trinomials is `ax^2 + bx + c`. This coefficient adds a bit of complexity to factoring, but we can still find the factors by using the grouping techniqueA factoring technique involving finding common factors among groups of terms rather than among all of the terms. and then using the distributive propertyStates that the product of a number and a sum equals the sum of the individual products of the number and the addends: for all real numbers `a`, `b`, and `c`, `a(b + c) = ab + ac`. .

Here's the strategy for factoring trinomials in the form `ax^2 + bx + c`, with `a!=1`:

Factoring Trinomials


To factor a trinomial in the form `ax^2 + bx + c`, find two integers, `r` and `s`, whose sum is `b` and whose product is `ac`. Rewrite the trinomial as `ax^2 + rx + sx + c` and then use grouping and the distributive property to factor the polynomial.


It's not all that different from factoring trinomials without a leading coefficient.

Let’s see how this strategy works by factoring `6z^2 + 11z + 4`

In this trinomial, `a = 6`, `b = 11`, and `c = 4`. According to the strategy, we need to find two factors, `r` and `s`, whose sum is `b` (`11`) and whose product is `ac` (or `6*4 = 24`). We can make a chart to organize the possible factor combinations. (Notice that this chart only has positive numbers. Since `ac` is positive and `b` is positive, we can be certain that the two factors we're looking for are also positive numbers.)

`bb(r*s = 24)` 


`1*24 = 24`

`1 + 24 = 25`

`2*12 = 24`

`2 + 12 = 14`


`bb(3 + 8 = 11)`

`4*6 = 24`

`4 + 6 = 10`

There is only one combination in which `r*s = 24` and `r + s = 11`: when `r = 3`, and `s = 8`. Let’s use these values to factor our original trinomial.



Factor `6z^2 + 11z + 4`



`6z^2 + 3z + 8z + 4`





To make grouping and factoring easier, rewrite the trinomial `ax^2 + bx + c` as `ax^2 + rx + sx + c`. Use values from the chart above: `r = 3` and `s=8`.


In this trinomial, replace `11z` with `3z + 8z`


`(6z^2 + 3z) + (8z + 4)`


Use grouping to consider the terms in pairs.


`3z(2z + 1) + (8z+4)`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factor, `3z`, out of the first group.


`3z(2z + 1) + 4(2z+1)`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factor, `4`, out of the second group.


`(2z + 1)(3z + 4)`




Use the distributive property to pull the common factor, `(2z + 1)`, out of the pairs.

The original trinomial is now fully factored.


`(2z + 1)(3z + 4)`




There you have it: the fully factored form of `6z^2 + 11z + 4` is `(2z + 1)(3z + 4)`. We used grouping to organize our terms and the distributive property to pull out common factors.

We can also use this method to factor trinomials in the form `x^2 + bx + c`. If we think about `x^2 + bx + c` as `ax^2 + bx + c` in which the coefficient of `x^2` (or `a`) is `1`, then `ac = 1*c`, or simply `c`. So the strategy that we use for factoring trinomials in the form `x^2 + bx + c`, finding two numbers whose sum is `b` and whose product is `c`, is just a special case of the general method for factoring trinomials in the form `ax^2 + bx + c`

Before going any further, it is worth mentioning that not all trinomials can be factored using integer pairs. Take the trinomial `2z^2 + 35z + 7` for instance. Can you think of two integers whose sum is `b` (`35`) and whose product is `ac` (`2*7=14`)? There are none! We call this type of trinomial, which cannot be factored using integers, a prime trinomialA trinomial that cannot be factored using integers..

Greatest Common Factors

Sometimes the easiest factors to pull out of a trinomial are integers. For example, take the case of `6x^2 - 26x - 20`. Do you notice any common factors among the three terms? `a=6``b = -26`, and `c = -20`, so a common factor is `2`. Using the distributive property again, we can pull a factor of `2` out of each term and rewrite the trinomial as `2(3x^2 - 13x - 10)`. Then we can factor `3x^2 - 13x - 10`

Let’s take a look at how to factor `6x^2 - 26x - 20` in two ways: pulling the common factor out first, or waiting until the end to do it.



Factor `6x^2 - 26x - 20`



`2(3x^2 - 13x - 10)`


Solution `bb1`: Start by using the distributive property to pull out the common factor of `2`.


`2(3x^2 - 15x + 2x - 10)`





Rewrite the trinomial in parentheses in the form `ax^2 + rx + sx + c`


Think: what numbers have a sum of `-13` and a product of `-30`? `-15` and `2`.


`2[(3x^2 - 15x) + (2x - 10)]`


Group the pairs of terms.


`2[3x(x - 5) + 2(x-5)]`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factors out of each group.


`2[(x - 5)(3x + 2)]`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factor `(x - 5)` from both groups.


`2(x - 5)(3x + 2)`







Factor `6x^2 - 26x - 20`



`6x^2 - 30x + 4x - 20`





Solution `bb2`: Start by rewriting the trinomial in parentheses in the form `ax^2 + rx + sx + c`


Think: what numbers have a sum of `-26` and a product of `-120`?  `-30` and `4`.

Rewrite `-26x` as `- 30x + 4x`.  


`(6x^2 - 30x) + (4x - 20)`


Group the pairs of terms.



`6x(x - 5) + 4(x-5)`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factors out of each group.



`(x - 5)(6x + 4)`



Use the distributive property to pull the common factor `(x - 5)` from both groups.



`(x - 5)[2(3x + 2)]`




`2(x - 5)(3x + 2)`




Notice that `6x + 4` can be factored further. Use the distributive property to pull the common factor of `2` out of `6x+4`.


Use the commutative property to put the monomial (`2`) as the first factor in your answer.



`2(x - 5)(3x + 2)`




We arrived at the same solution using both methods. However, look back to where we had to consider how to expand the `bx` term in both solution methods. When we pulled out the factor of `2` at the beginning, we had to look for two numbers with a sum of `-13` and a product of `-30`; but when we left the factor of two within the problem, as we did in Solution `2`, we had to find two numbers with a sum of `-26` and a product of `-120`.

This is the reason why many people choose to pull out the greatest common factor before factoring. Pulling out the GCF first typically makes factoring the trinomial easier, since the resulting values for `a``b`, and `c` will all be lower, and so there will be fewer combinations of integers whose sum is `b` and whose product is `ac`.

Let’s look at one more example: `5t^3 + 15t^2 - 20t`. This one may seem different because the highest exponent of the variable is a `3`, but we'll see this is really the same kind of problem as in the previous examples.



Factor `5t^3 + 15t^2 - 20t`



`5t(t^2 + 3t - 4)`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factor out. Both the integer `5` and the variable `t` are common factors, so `5t` is the greatest common factor.


`5t(t^2-t + 4t - 4)`


Think: what numbers have a sum of `3` and a product of `-4`? (`-1` and `4`.) Rewrite `3t` as `- t + 4t`.


`5t[(t^2 - t) + (4t - 4)]`


Group the pairs of terms.


`5t[t(t - 1) + 4(t-1)]`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factors out of each group.


`5t \ [(t - 1)(t + 4)]`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factor `(t - 1)` from both groups.


`5t(t - 1)(t + 4)`




Negative Terms

We will also face some problems in which `a` is negative, as in `-4h^2 + 11h + 3`. It often makes sense to factor out `-1` as the first step in factoring, as doing so will change the sign of `ax^2` from negative to positive, making the remaining trinomial easier to factor.



Factor `-4h^2 + 11h + 3`



`-1(4h^2 - 11h - 3)`


Factor `-1` out of the trinomial. Notice that the signs of all three terms have changed.



`-1(4h^2 - 12h + 1h - 3)`


Expand the term `-11h`, by finding two integers whose sum is `-11` and whose product is `-12`. (`-12` and `1`)


`-1[(4h^2 - 12h) + (1h - 3)]`


Group terms.


`-1[4h(h - 3) + (h-3)]`


Use the distributive property to pull the common factor, `4h`, out of the first grouped term. The second grouped term cannot be factored further. (Note that since `1h` is the same as `h`, we don’t need to keep writing the `1`.)


`-1[(h - 3)(4h + 1)]`


Use the distributive property to pull a common factor, `(h - 3)`, out of both terms.


`-1(h - 3)(4h + 1)`





Sometimes trinomials will be in the form `ax^2 + bx + c`, in which `a` is a coefficient other than `1`. To factor these trinomials, find two integers, `r` and `s`, whose sum is `b` and whose product is `ac`. Then rewrite the trinomial as `ax^2 + rx + sx + c` and use grouping and the distributive property to factor the polynomial.

In cases when `a``b`, and `c` are all multiples of the same integer, it often makes sense to pull that integer out as the first step in factoring. Extra variables common to the terms may also be pulled out in the same way. Similarly, when `ax^2` is negative, a common first step is to factor `-1` out of the whole trinomial before continuing.