Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions

Learning Objective:

  • Identify subtext in a reading by making inferences and drawing conclusions.

Sometimes authorsA person who wrote a text. leave out information, which means the reader has to think to figure out what he or she is trying to say. This is known as the subtextInformation that is left out of a reading. The author may do this because the audience knows this information, it may be unimportant, or because they want readers to figure out the information on their own by drawing inferences and conclusions. of a readingA piece of writing to be read. A reading can either be a full work (i.e., a book) or partial (i.e., a passage).. Writers may leave out information because they think the readers already know it, it may not seem important, or because they want the readers to find the meaning on their own. A reader who thinks about the subtext in a reading may make inferencesMeaning that has been uncovered by considering the subtext of a reading, drawing from your own experiences, and connecting them to the reading. about what is happening based on the facts and details provided and may then draw conclusionsUncovering the subtext of a reading by thinking about the details the author provides and then considering what may happen as a result of those details. about what will happen as a result. When readers make inferences, they can often pull more information out from the story, making it more meaningful to them.

You can try various strategies to make inferences and draw conclusions about what you read. Here are three:

From there, you can use this formula to draw a conclusion:

Details from the reading + Your experiences = A conclusion about what is happening or will happen